Need to unpick a tricky positioning or brand issue?

So, you need the outside view to help solve a thorny problem.
You’re in the right place. Get the help of an experienced expert in product positioning and brand strategy.

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Frequently answered questions

You know exactly what you do well, but not how to tell people...

That’s a positioning problem. Before you can create the right messaging to market, we need to uncover how you can establish a place in the minds of your prospects. The solution must be simple and clear, distilled into an easily understood strategy that connects with customers.

Do you identify my unique value proposition?

If you haven’t already, yes we will cover that. We analyse what sets your product/service apart from competitors. It could be features, benefits, pricing, or customer experience that your target audience highly values. If you have a UVP we will re-examine it. Positioning is generally a build on this.

What are the key elements of a positioning strategy?

Identifying Super Customers and understanding what’s of real value to this target audience, identifying unique value propositions, determining your market category, and devising a compelling message to market.

What’s positioning, and why is it important?

Positioning is how a product, brand, or company is perceived in the minds of customers relative to competitors. It differentiates you from others, influences customer perceptions, to drive purchasing decisions.

Can you help us pre-launch of our product?

I can help you in terms of brand strategy and UVP. Positioning at that point? My advice is to keep it relatively open and be ready to pivot as needed! Why? Because often what we think we are building is not quite what turns out turns the customer on.

What role does customer research play in positioning?

Customer research is critical! It helps to understanding their pain points, preferences, and how they perceive your product relative to competitors, enabling a more targeted and effective positioning strategy. To be really useful, it also should broaden the horizon beyond perceived competitors to explore real-world alternatives.

How do we determine the right market category for my product?

Consider where your product fits best based on customer perceptions and needs. It might align with an existing category or require creating a new one.

Can positioning evolve and change over time?

Yes, unlike some more long term aspects of brand strategy positioning can and should evolve to adapt to market shifts, customer feedback, or changes in competitive landscapes. As with any strategy regular evaluation and adaptation are advisable, and even essential.

What metrics should I use to measure the success of my positioning strategy?

When you've nailed your positioning, it’s generally obvious pretty quickly! You will hear it from sales and see it in the figures. But to answer the question: Metrics might include market share, customer feedback, brand perception surveys, and sales figures, among others, to gauge the impact and effectiveness of your positioning efforts.